Jul 21, 2009

Isu Micheal Jackson...Satu Pembongkaran

Maklumat ini saya dapat daripada seorang pensyarah menerusi emel saya...(fully in English)

Please read this........ .......

Michael Jackson (MJ) was known as the most loving person in the world. He gave up most of his assets for charity and all his life, he fought for equality of the African Americans, AIDS victims, Against Drug Abuse, Against Abortion, Against Child Labor and secretly channelled his properties for the hungry children of the world. However, he wasn't peace at heart. He always think of himself as a child trapped inside a man's body. Being Peter Pan is all his dream, never to grow up, forever a child. That inspires him to build Neverland - a heaven for children. Children of all ages and races are welcomed to Neverland. MJ had so much love to give.

However, he made a mistake which he didn't know of the consequences. He saw the peaceful life his brother, Jermaine (Muhammad Abdul Aziz) had as a Muslim - true, Jermaine faced so much pressure that he moved to Bahrain .

In 1989, MJ made a press conference which shocked the world, "I have seen the Islam in the life of my brother, I have read the books about Islam. And I'd love to someday feel the calmness and peace of Islam...."

Since that, MJ's life was never the same again.
He was accused of so many accusations against child molestation. MJ was not someone who can deal with much pressure as he is a 'delicate child'. All the extortion and black mail followed after that. Everything he did was being seen as wrong in the eyes of the Media. All these are to influence his fans to hate MJ. If he is hated, then he would not be influencial anymore.

For several years, he stayed in England . Getting motivation from a long time friend, Cat Stevens, who had converted into Islam - named Yusuf Islam. From him, MJ learnt how Yusuf had survived being Muslim. He made friends with a song writer, Zain Bhikha too, who wrote a song titled, "GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH", which he wanted MJ to sing whenever he is ready.

Following his trial, MJ withdrew to Bahrain , where he was the special guest of sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the son of Bahrain 's king. It was then that Michael began to give conversion more "serious thought."
MJ stayed in Bahrain for approximately 3 years. He studied Islam, the prayers and learn to read the Koran (al-Quran).

Finally, he came back to Los Angeles and in November 2008 MJ had formally converted to Islam in a ceremony at a close friend's house in Los Angeles .
He perform Haj with the King of Bahrain and son on December 2008.

He had a hidden agenda when he wanted to make a final comeback. He annouced in a press conference on March 2009, "This will be my final concert. I'll see you all in July...."

He planned that during his concert, he would announce that this is the FINAL concert as he wouldn't be performing anymore. He will declare that he is a Muslim and will only sing with Yusuf Islam and Friends.
At the end of the concert, he will be singing the song, "GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH" with Yusuf Islam. That is the reason why he chose London as his final concert venue instead of the USA . It was because he thought he could escape the USA 's extortion, and that he could perform with yusuf Islam who is in England .

At 12.30am, 25th June 2009, he hugged his production manager and said, "After reherasing for 2 months, I am finally ready for the concert..."
Before leaving to sleep, he waved his dancers, "It was a good night everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow..."
The next thing... He was pronouced dead at 2.26am....

When 911 was called, there are so much questions asked. It is as if they didn't know who MJ is and where he lived. The questions asked are more towards to delay time.
The hospital said the autopsy result can only be obtained after 2 months - very illogical as even the worst African technology could obtain the result in less than 2 weeks.

MJ's family members opt for second private autopsy as they started to feel something fishy is going on. The result came out in about 4 days - MJ was drugged with high dosage of anaesthetic - drug that brings about a reversible loss of consciousness, if used to much could stop the heart from beating.

Another result which was not aired in the media was, MJ's stomach is empty of this drug, but his blood were filled with it - same case as the death of Marilyn Monroe.
The private doctors also found many needle marks, afraid to be forced injections given to MJ on his bed.

In CNN Live after a week, Barack Obama was interviewed. And he said, "I love MJ, I grew up listening to his songs. It is a great loss, but rest assured that there is no conspiracy in his death..."
Now, why must a President made such statement before the official autopsy result came out? How would he know that there is no conspiracy without the post-mortem result? Seems like someone is afraid of his shadows.

MJ was known to the world as a person who is against drug abuse. Why must he be addicted to drug, then? If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?

Enough about his death. I am sure people around the world is not stupid anymore. These supreme power can fool us during the Marilyn Monroe conspiracy, Martin Luther King and Princess Diana. But in this MJ's case, they left too many loopholes for those who think...!!

MJ left us with this unfinished studio-recorded song, GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH. You can download this song here: http://www.filefact ory.com/file/ ahb80ff/n/ Micheal_Jackson_ -_Give_Thanks_ To_Allah_ mp3

MJ's family was about to give him a Muslim burial with the help of The Brotherhood of Islam. But, the CIA showed up at Neverland's door - blackmailed them that if they do so publicly, Katherine (MJ's mother) would be pull off from MJ's 3 children's custody as well as MJ's estates. Instead, they'll hire Debbie Rowe for the purpose, and the court will be in their favour. So much for democracy and fairness...

Finally, they agreed to let MJ have a Muslim Burial in Neverland. But in condition, must show to the public a Christian Memorial Service, as to prove to the world that MJ was never a Muslim.

So, Staples Centre was just a normal show. That's why the coffin was closed and sealed.

MJ was buried days earlier. The Gold Coffin was empty. They were about to bury the Coffin according to Christianity ways in Hollywood - as in their deal with the USA Government.

These happened, because the USA is afraid of the rising numbers of Muslims in the world.

(Sheikh Ha**d)
The Brotherhood of Islam
Buletin of Bahrain

Jul 11, 2009

Matrik Melaka

Terkenang sebuah memori lalu
Kisah persahabatan kita bersama
Di dalam satu pengajian
Menuntut ilmu dan pengalaman
Mengingatkanku pengorbananmu
Terpahat padu di kalbuku

Bersama rakan taulan dan guru
Tawa riangmu menghiburkan hatiku
Indahnya suasana ketika itu
Terjalin ukhuwah sejati

Nasihatmu sungguh bermakna bagiku
Mengenalkanku erti kehidupan
Susah payah kita hadapi bersama
Itulah asam garam dalam kehidupan

Ya Tuhanku tabahkan hatinya
Kuatkan semangatnya untuk menghadapi hidup
Limpahkanlah maghfirah dan kasih sayang-Mu
Agar hidupnya sejahtera di dunia akhirat

Lirik Lagu Nostalgia oleh Shoutul Amal

Teringat kenangan di Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka, Londang....

Masih kedengaran suara riuh pelajar-pelajar berasak-asak ke kuliah...
Masih kedengaran laungan azan dari Surau Badrurrahman yang terletak di hadapan blok aku...
Masih teringat akan bau ayam (kilang ayam belakang matrik)....
Masih teringat gelak tawa kekawan kelas H2P2T2....
Masih teringat akan bekas rumet-rumetku, Usop, P.Pye dan Napes yang sudah lama ku tidak hubungi...

Walaupun seketika aku berada di situ, tidak sampai 4 bulan, namun banyak catatan-catatan manis masih tersemat dalam sanubari...

Kalaulah aku tidak berpeluang belajar di Matrik Melaka, mungkin aku tidak akan berada di tempat aku berada kini...

Bagiku Matrik Melaka merupakan tempat permulaan aku dalam jalan ini...
Syukran kepada antum semua untuk segala-galanya dan kerana memberi kenangan yang terindah ini...
Semoga antum semua dalam keadaan sihat walafiat di bawah lembayung rahmat Allah...amin

Bilik-bilik tutorial

::Kekawan yang masih dalam ingatan: Wan, Arif, Chan, Afiq, Kam (Khairul Anwar Mustafa), Muhammad, Rabiatul Adawiyah, Wani, Amir, Faiz...semoga suksess dunia akhirat <<

Bertemu Ulama'

Ulama' merupakan pewaris para anbia....

Jika dahulu, para sahabt dan umat Islam akan merujuk dan berjumpa terus dengan Nabi membincangkan soal Islam tetapi zaman kini Nabi sudah tiada, maka kepada siapa yang kita sepatutnya merujuk jika bukan kepada para ulama'.

Firman Allah yang bermaksud "Dan tidaklah (betul dan elok) orang-orang yang beriman keluar semuanya (pergi berperang); oleh itu, hendaklah keluar sebahagian sahaja daripada tiap-tiap puak di antara mereka, supaya orang-orang (yang tinggal) itu mempelajari secara mendalam ilmu yang dituntut di dalam agama, dan supaya mereka dapat mengajar kaumnya (yang keluar berjuang) apabila orang-orang itu kembali kepada mereka; Mudah-mudahan mereka dapat berjaga-jaga (daripada melakukan larangan Allah)."

(at-taubah 122)

Walaupun seketika tempoh pertemuan dengan ulama' yang tersohor ini, namun bagi diriku sangat bermakna...

Mana lagi aku mampu lihat seorang ulama' yang juga pemimpin yang sangat bersahaja dan sederhana dalam memimpin...

Menatap teratak seorang Menteri Besar ini membuatkan diriku sedar bahawa harta dan pangkat bukanlah untuk dimegahkan dan ditayang tetapi satu amanah yang amat besar yang perlu dipikul oleh seorang pemimpin...

Seharusnya tokoh yang dikagumi oleh anak muda kini ialah para ulama' bukannya seorang doktor yang menemui ubat yang paling mujarab di dunia, arkitek yang mampu membina bangunan tertinggi di dunia, jurutera yang mampu membuat mesin tercanggih abad ini tetapi sekular dari sudut pemikiran dan meninggalkan Allah...apatah lagi artis-artis yang terkenal saentero dunia....

Para ulama'lah seharusnya dikagumi kerana ilmu yang ada pada mereka yang mengajak kita berfikir, merenung dan muhasabah akan kebesaran Allah, tujuan kita dicipta-Nya dan tanggungjawab kita sebagai makhluk kepada khaliq (pencipta)...

Tetapi dunia hari ini menafikannya, pandangan ulama' diketepikan, pandangan pemimpin sekular diagung-agungkan....Mana martabat agama suci Islam??? Lebih teruk lagi apabila orang yang mengaku dirinya Islam sendiri yang lantang menentang ulama'....Inilah senario masa kini...

Hayati hadith Rasulullah yang bermaksud:

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mencabut ilmu dengan mencabutnya dari hamba-hamba. Akan tetapi Dia mencabutnya dengan diwafatkannya para ulama sehingga jika Allah tidak menyisakan seorang alim pun, maka orang-orang mengangkat pemimpin dari kalangan orang-orang bodoh. Kemudian mereka ditanya, mereka pun berfatwa tanpa dasar ilmu. Mereka sesat dan menyesatkan.” (HR. Al-Bukhari)

Ayuh pemuda-pemudi Islam, ayuh sama-sama bangkit, sedarlah dari mimpi, bacalah dan fahamilah Islam dengan sebenar-sebarnya seperti yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W....Jangan biar ia hancur dimamah pemikiran-pemikaran sempit dan bercanggah dengan Islam serta serangan-serangan musuh Islam yang tidak henti-henti ingin menghancurkan Islam

Pindah Rumah Sewa


Posting ini khas buat sahabat-sahabat aku yang terpaksa pindah dari asrama ke rumah sewa kerana kekurangan bilik untuk menampung pelajar-pelajar baru yang akan masuk 13 Julai nanti.

Akibatnya kita semua terpaksa berpisah oleh jarak dan masa...

Lepas ni tak boleh lagilah nak lepak bilik korang...gelak-gelak....makan-makan cam dulu lagi....

Apa pun aku harap korang semua bahagia dan bergembira di rumah sewa baru korang...

InsyaAllah walaupun jarak memisahkan, namun ikatan ukhwah kita takkan renggang begitu sahaja...

Ni serangkap pantun untuk korang

Pergi K.L naik bas,
Di tengah jalan bas rosak,
Kini anda sudah bebas,
Jangan lupa aku pulak

Firman Allah yang bermaksud:

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang beriman itu bersaudara. Sebab itu damaikanlah (perbaikilah hubungan) antara kedua saudaramu itu dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, supaya kamu mendapat rahmat.” (Al-Hujurat: 10)

Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud :"Sesama muslim itu bersaudara, apabila merasa
sakit yang satu, yang lain pun ikut merasakannya".
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